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Somnox can play any sound you want. Choose from a variety of options or upload your own. It turns off when you fall asleep. Just let Somnox do the worrying for you. Our Somnox can play whatever you like: a guided meditation, lullabies, a heartbeat, audio books, white noise, and you can even play your own recorded sounds. Literally, everything is possible. Somnox has this playback function for a very important reason: to naturally induce your precious night of sleeping.
Why does Somnox’ ability to play sounds induce your sleep?
The previous blog, about why breathing in rhythm with Somnox induces your sleep, described why gradually slowing down your breathing rhythm achieves a relaxation mode. This relaxation mode is required for a decent night of sleep, and can be achieved by using breathing techniques. This brings us to Somnox’ sound function, which also acts as a helping hand in achieving this relaxation mode.
A night of normal sleeping consists of quiet and active sleep. Active sleep is characterized by slow and rapid eye movements, frequent motor movements, irregular heart rate and respiration. Quiet sleep, on the other hand, is characterized by the absence of eye and motor movements, regular respiration and heart rate. Sounds can reduce stress by stimulating the hypothalamus (and other brain centres associated with attention) at high frequencies. Therefore, the hyperactive brain cells will be calmed and the mind chatter will stop. Now the mind can finally progress naturally into the slower rhythms that lead to sleep.
Therefore, sound stimulation appears to reduce the latency to quiet sleep from sleep onset, and increases the duration of quiet sleep. Sound has also been shown to decrease the heart rate and spontaneous motor activity and to produce more regular heart rate and respiration (Schmidt et al., 1980).
Studies have shown that sustained stimulation with either human heartbeat sound or white noise can affect sleep and autonomic nervous system functioning. The study of Schmidt and colleagues tested 30 infants on the presence and the absence of a heartbeat or white noise sound. During active sleep the infants showed a significant response only while stimulated by heartbeat sounds. The sound also reduced spontaneous motor movements, whilst during quiet sleep the sound had no effect. The sound indeed increased the duration of the first quiet sleep epoch (Schmidt et al., 1980).
Listening to music to fight insomnia
Still we haven’t even talked about how listening to music can fight insomnia. Scientific evidence tells that music may be effective at improving subjective sleep quality in adults with insomnia symptoms. Slow-paced music is known to encourage slow brainwaves, leading to a semi hypnotic or meditative state which greatly reduces feelings of stress and thus ensures a relaxation mode. People report that their sleep patterns improve after listening to music and that they experienced fewer feelings of anxiety (Saarman 2006).
The study of Jespersen and colleagues examined the effect of listening to pre-recorded music characterized as sedative or relaxing daily, for 25 to 60 minutes, for a period of three days to five weeks and confirmed the positive effect of music on the sleep quality (Jespersen et al., 2015).
Therefore, by implementing these sounds in the Somnox Sleep Robot, while following its breathing rhythm, your body will achieve a full relaxation mode and a better night of sleep by improving your sleep quality and duration. Just try to relax, shut off your thoughts, focus on Somnox’ sounds and give yourself the chance to slowly dream away.
Want to improve your sleep?
Our team has been working for the past 3 years to make our dream come true: creating a healthier and happier world, doing our best to deliver smart soft robotics that will make a major difference in people’s daily lives. You can try the Sleep Robot in your bed, with our 30-night trial. Not satisfied? Get your money back, no questions asked. (See the full conditions on our website.)