Return Policy
Please note: it is recommended to use Somnox for a minimum of 14 nights. Most customers experience positive effects after 3 weeks. It takes a while before your body adapts to Somnox.
We advise you to read our return policy carefully in order to be fully aware of your rights and obligations with regard to the return of our products.
If you purchased a Somnox product, you’ll be able to try this product in your own bed for 30 nights and see if it works for you in the comfort of your home. Not satisfied with the results? Then you can return the product and get the full purchase amount refunded, provided that the product is returned in a saleable condition. The only thing you pay for yourself are the shipping costs of the return package of the Somnox. This amount may vary per provider.Follow the steps below to return your order in the correct way:
Somnox Returns
Step 1 – Fill in the dissolution form
To declare your order as a return, you must inform us of your decision to cancel your order by making a clear statement (e.g. Letter by post or e-mail). The easiest way to do this is to use the dissolution form. You can use the English version or the Dutch version for this.
Step 2 – Returning your order
All returns must be sent to our warehouse in the Netherlands, Somnox B.V. Below you will find the details where you can send the package to. Do you live in the United States or Canada? Then the return order must be sent to our United States warehouse.
For Somnox Returns
Drake & Farrell
Snelliuslaan 13
2665 PD Bleiswijk
The Netherlands
For Somnox Inc.
110 Airport Drive
NY 12590
United States
Packages that are received by Somnox and that have not been registered using the return form can be processed less quickly. Fill out our return form for a correct and fast processing of your return order. If you do not use the online form, please send us a message or enclose a note in the package in which you indicate that you wish to cancel the purchase.
Step 3 – Refund
Please return any product you wish to return as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days after completing the dissolution form [see step 1]. Somnox will send the full amount immediately and in any case no later than 14 days after the return has been received by us at the above-mentioned address. Somnox may be allowed to apply depreciation as a result of your use that goes beyond the initial use of the product.
Exception Returns Policy
We will handle the following policy regarding the return of an extra washable sleeve. Please note that this regulation does not apply to the washable cover that is supplied with the Somnox Sleeping Robot.
- The Washable Sleeve is still in the plastic package:100% compensation based on purchase;
- The Washable Sleeve is out of the plastic packaging:0% compensation based on purchase;
Any complaints regarding the product or our service may be sent to Somnox will aim to respond to said complaint within a reasonable term. If you don’t agree with the solution given or if we can’t work it out together, then you can submit your complaint to the Disputes Committee via the European ODR Platform (
If you have any questions regarding our Return Policy, please click here to contact us.