We all possess the superpower of sleep
With Somnox we are doing our best to help 100 million people before 2030. We believe that sleep is a superpower – not just Somnox’s superpower, but of all of us.
A good night’s rest ensures a healthy life
Sleep is one of the main pillars of a healthy life. A good night’s rest ensures a better recovery of your body. At night your body rests from everything you’ve done and experienced during the day, to gather energy for the next day. Furthermore, a good night’s rest has many positive effects on our brain: less stress, a calmer feeling and an improved memory are just a few examples.
In today’s reality, the world is facing a major health crisis. A good night’s rest is more important than ever, because it has a positive effect on our immune system: after a good night’s sleep, you will feel stronger, fitter and more resilient to diseases. A good night’s rest doesn’t only make our parents and children stronger, but all of us.
How Somnox contributes to a good night’s rest
At Somnox we realised that rest and relaxation are the basis of a good night’s sleep. That is why we focus, among other things, on simulating calming breathing techniques with our Somnox Sleep Robot. In addition, we started the Somnox Academy with a video course of 27 lessons on the fundamentals of sleep. We want to expand this by sharing articles about sleep, breathing, and mindfulness on our blog and doing a sleep quiz that gives you free sleep advice. We have also been recording sleep meditations (for now only in Dutch) to help you sleep even deeper. Through our content we hope to accelerate our mission to make sleep more accessible for everyone.
To celebrate World Sleep Day, we have decided to give everyone who buys a Sleep Robot between the 13th and 20th of March a discount of €100,-. We also have something new for our Dutch customers: as of today, you can pay for the Sleep Robot in three installments. For all our products we offer the possibility to try them out for 30 nights. We also ensure Dutch quality, a two year warranty and lifelong support –– we will always be ready for you.
Sleep is a superpower –– for all of us. Let’s work together to make it as accessible as possible. For every age, for every budget, for everyone on this planet.
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