Unfortunately, sleep problems are common during or after cancer treatment. This may have several causes, such as stress and worrying, but chemotherapy can also cause sleeplessness. And yet sleep is so important for mental and physical recovery. That’s why Somnox and Stichting Twente tegen Kanker (Twente Foundation Against Cancer) started a pilot to investigate whether the Somnox Sleep Robot can help (former) cancer patients to sleep better. Eline van Zoelen was the first to try out our Sleep Robot through this foundation. And with success! We are happy to share her story here with you.
In January 2020, Eline was unfortunately diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. That’s also when her sleep problems started. At first due to fear and anxiety, but later mainly due to the side effects of her medication. In order to get some sleep she used sleeping pills, but she didn’t like them and they made her drowsy. So she was very happy that she could try out the Sleep Robot.
At first, Eline had to get used to the Sleep Robot. It was hard for her to focus on her breathing, but after 2 to 3 weeks she was able to surrender to the breathing of the Robot. Although she is not yet sleeping immediately, she does feel that it brings her peace and that it is good for her. “The most obvious thing I notice is that I have more energy during the day. It’s easier to get up earlier,” says Eline. Because she has more energy to engage in activity during the day, she is physically more tired in the evening, which in turn allows her to sleep better. So it’s a virtuous circle.
The time Eline spends awake at night has also decreased. She still wakes up several times a night, but when she turns the Somnox back on she has already fallen asleep before the program has finished. And she used to lie awake for up to 2 hours!
But best of all: Eline’s ultimate goal, to stop using sleeping pills, has been achieved from day 1. She admits that the first few weeks were tough. She was afraid that she would wear herself out and for a few days she was really cranky from exhaustion. She was about to take a sleeping pill anyway, but it turned out not to be necessary. She is now confident that with the Somnox Sleep Robot she is getting enough rest.
Eline: “Even though I don’t always get enough hours of sleep, I am more rested. I get more out of my day and I feel more positive. It really is a great help to me!”
Somnox is committed to developing products that you can trust. We continually improve our products based upon user experiences and the latest research. Sleep has a large impact on your wellbeing and it is important that we take your health seriously. Wondering whether Somnox is right for you? Take our quiz and get our free advice.
A productive workout session should have the right balance of functional, isometric, and plyometric exercises. Functional exercises (push-ups) work on multiple muscle groups simultaneously while isometric exercises (planks) strengthen muscles. Plyometric exercises, however, aid in rapid muscle elongation for effective muscle strengthening (jump squat). These nine exercises should help you achieve your fitness goals.
1. Bodyweight Squats
The exercise strengthens the most powerful muscle group, i.e., the legs and the glutes. When squatting ensures your butt is pushed outwards while the thighs and the hips push your body outwards. If performed incorrectly, squats can take a toll on your knees. Your knees should move during the first half of the squat, leaving your hips to finish the movement.
Squats are particularly essential for expectant women as they help open up the pelvis. Holding the squatting position for 10-30 seconds also strengthens abdominal muscles and reduces back pain. But note, wearing the appropriate gear, e.g.,maternity tops when performing the exercise enhances blood flow and proper movement.
2. Glute Bridges
Squats can take a toll on the glute muscles leaving weak and unable to perform additional body movements on the lower body. This creates a muscular imbalance to the body, which can result in an injury. Glute bridges eliminate this effect by working on a specific muscle group.
3. Lunges
This exercise works on all muscles located on the lower body, i.e., hamstrings, glutes, and quadriceps. There are many variations of this workout (walking lunges, split squat lunges, reverse lunges) so you can never get bored when performing it. Lastly, you can perform lunges after squatting or deadlifting.
4. Interval Training
The exercise involves alternating between long intervals of less intense activity and short bursts of intense activity. It is an excellent addition to any fitness regimen as it works the heart muscles. Interval training is also ideal for people working out to lose weight. It would help if you varied your pace throughout the workout to stimulate the aerobic system.
For example, if you are walking, you can incorporate short bursts of jogging into the brisk walks. People who are less fit can alternate leisure walks with short periods of fast walks. Other benefits of interval training include:
· It is more time-efficient as you can complete an entire workout within a short period
· No need for special equipment
· Improves aerobic capacity
5. Mountain Climbing
Just as its name, the exercise mimics how climbers mount steep peaks. The workout strengthens your core, arms, and legs as well as the back. If the exercise exerts excessive pressure on your wrists, lift the upper part of your body while placing your hands on an elevated place to minimize the weight placed on the arms.
The exercise works on the upper part of the body muscles, i.e., the shoulders, triceps and biceps, and the chest. Try performing different variations of the workout if the standard procedure is too challenging. You can complete the exercise using your knees to minimize the weight your hands need to lift. Also, you can place your feet on an elevated place to increase intensity.
It is a variation of the regular squat, and it usually works on the hamstring and quadriceps muscles of the legs. Your body goes from a half-kneeling position to a standing position while maintaining balance. Ensure your feet are firmly rooted on the surface during the entire movement. If you are finding it challenging to keep your body balanced, perform the exercise close to a wall to allow your hand to rest on the wall for support.
8. Planks
This exercise works on the core muscles because you need to hold the position for an extended period. It also builds strength on your upper body, lower back, and abdominal muscles at the same time. Planks are ideal for people with lower back pain. You can challenge yourself by placing your feet or hands up on an exercise ball as you hold the plank.
9. Burpees
Burpees is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that will increase your heart rate and help burn calories. Burpees work on different muscle groups and the lower and upper body muscles. Be sure to wear proper footwear when performing this exercise. This is because they have a high impact on the knees.
Building a workout regimen around these exercises should help work on different muscle groups. The idea is to alternate between strength and resistance exercises to work on multiple muscle groups simultaneously.
You can use the Sleep Robot in different ways and at different times of the day. We encourage you to experiment and find out in what way you prefer to use your sleep robot.
The Sleep Robot is being used:
to make you feel relaxed, calm and/or sleepy before going to bed
while falling asleep
in the middle of the night to fall back asleep again
to make you feel relaxed in the morning if you turn on the robot while waking up
to become calm and relaxed throughout the day
Sleeping well is the biggest factor in how you will feel the day after. Feeling the human-like breathing and soothing sounds will help you comfortably doze off.
The Sleep Robot offers a great Nap experience. There are some great, varied benefits to having a nap. They can make you more productive, improve your health and just help make you an all-around happier person.
Relax mode is an amazing way of becoming more relaxed during the day. Read a book, watch a film on the couch or meditate to become completely zen.
Want to improve your sleep?
Our team has been working for the past 3 years to make our dream come true: creating a healthier and happier world, doing our best to deliver smart soft robotics that will make a major difference in people’s daily lives. You can try the Sleep Robot in your bed, with our 30-night trial. Not satisfied? Get your money back, no questions asked. (See the full conditions on our website.)
As you may know now, regulated breathing is the simplest and most powerful tool to reduce stress and increase relaxation.
By snuggling the Sleep Robot, your body and mind will automatically follow the physical sensation of falling and rising of the breathing of the robot.
This will make you feel calmer, more relaxed and thus fall asleep faster.
Through years of research and development, feedback from thousands of people, hundreds of different prototypes, we have created the world’s first human-like breathing experience. But it’s difficult to replicate that experience to you digitally.
💤 Try it out in one of the stores. You can visit one of many stores throughout the world (currently only the US and Europe) to experience it for yourself.
🛌Try it out in your bed. Nothing within reach? Order your Sleep Robot and try it out in your home for 30 nights, zero commitments. Not completely satisfied? Return the robot and get your money back 100%, no questions asked.
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